Creative mania

I’ve always been an ideas person.  This unfortunately means most flashes of creative inspiration never even make it to the prototype stage.  I’ll wake up in the night and think a concept through – so far through it often feels as if I’ve made, sold and finished with something before one ever even existed.

The bath tub is a great place for ideas too as are journeys.  Really anywhere I cannot immediately put the thought into practice.  I fill all my notebooks with little gems but then the reality of going to work and daily routine takes away the hours when I could be creating these marvels.  Often they can wait for years to take shape.

Inspiration struck whilst a friend was staying last week and we were emptying baskets and cupboards to find the things we’d need to bring our idea of using vintage buckles and fabrics to make headbands.  There was no elastic to be found and so after the initial enthusiasm we put everything back in boxes and cleared the table again.  I’ve bought some elastic now but who knows how long this one will take to become reality.

How many whirlwinds of creativity are there happening out there in the world I wonder.  Each hoping for someone to have the time, materials and enthusiasm in the same moment so that the idea can become reality.